You’re all set to go; the only problem is that you can’t find your keys. It might be aggravating and frustrating to be in this scenario. “Can I get a car key without the original?” you might think.

If you’ve lost your car key and can’t get into your vehicle, follow these steps to get a new one. How do I get a replacement car key without the original?

Look into your local dealership.

A Philadelphia car key replacement can be obtained at the dealership where you purchased your vehicle.

Unfortunately, a new car key from a dealership can be quite costly. Car dealers frequently charge a premium for this service and may contract out the work to a locksmith. You could also go to a locksmith on your own.

Visit a locksmith.

Even if you don’t have the original key, you can have it replaced at a locksmith. Going straight to a locksmith rather than your auto dealer may be more cost-effective, but you’ll need certain information to help the procedure go more smoothly.

Get your facts together.

You’ll need the following information to obtain a replacement key from a locksmith:

  • Make and model of vehicle
  • Year of the vehicle model
  • Car registration number 
  • Title
  • Vehicle identification number (VIN)

The information will aid the locksmith in determining the sort of key your vehicle requires. The VIN of your vehicle can be found on the driver’s side of the dashboard or on the driver’s door.

This information will also be required to confirm that you are the vehicle’s owner. Before the locksmith can begin, they must first verify that you are the legal owner of the vehicle.

Figure out what kind of car key you’ll require.

Car keys are required for numerous automobiles. The type of car key you need is often influenced by the model year.

A locksmith or, in some cases, a hardware store can make a standard key for an automobile produced before 1981. Transponders and chips are rare in older cars.

After 1981, vehicles frequently have more modern technology. A locksmith may need a transponder key. In this case, a car locksmith or your dealer is your best bet.

You may require a smart key replacement if you have a newer automobile or if your original car key had a key fob. To start your car, key fobs communicate with the ignition and must be close by. If you lose your key fob, you’ll need to purchase a new one from your automobile dealership or an automotive store and get it programmed.

Visit a locksmith for automobiles.

While getting a replacement key from your automobile dealership may work, you may end up paying far more than if you went to an automotive locksmith.

An automotive locksmith can make a new key that is compatible with your car. Furthermore, if programming your replacement key fob is the problem, an automobile locksmith may be able to help.How do I get a replacement car key without the original?

How much does it cost to replace a car key?

If you require a replacement auto key, it will be costly. You may change your car key for $3 to $7 if you have an older vehicle.

If you have a modern automobile with an electronic key or another specialty car key, a new key may be more expensive. Depending on your location and labor expenses, car key replacement Philadelphia automobile keys with chips, transponders, or fobs might cost up to $250.

The Bottom Line

If you’ve misplaced your car key and don’t have the original, an automotive locksmith may be a cost-effective solution.

Philly Locksmith offers low-cost auto insurance that can help you keep your car payments down. With pay-per-mile auto insurance, you pay a modest monthly set cost and a few cents for each mile you drive. According to a 2018 poll of new Philly Locksmith customers who saved when they converted, drivers can save $741 per year on average.

Call Philly Locksmith at (267) 433-6636, and our team of pros will help with your replacement and Make A New Car Key with no problem.

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