Different types of keys are used by locksmiths for different applications. Keys are easily distinguished because they are large and bright, but not all types of keys are as noticeable.

Transponder Key
This type of key is commonly referred to as a “chip key” and is widely used in automobiles. They work by sending a radio signal to the car. They are excellent at preventing theft if the incorrect circuit code is used, and because they are so difficult to duplicate, it is extremely difficult for someone to make a copy of your transponder key in order to steal your vehicle.
Some vehicles will even shut down if the wrong transponder key is used, reducing the possibility of a vehicle being stolen even further. Because the key contains a microchip that is programmed to the ignition code, it cannot start any other vehicle.
These keys are expensive and difficult to cut, but they are among the safest on the market. These keys cannot be duplicated using key cutting machines, and a locksmith must be able to access a car manufacturer’s database to obtain information about the car code in order to create a new key.
Laser Cut Car Key
While these keys are similar in style and design to mechanically cut car keys, they are much more accurate and complex, providing the owner with added security. They are also known as “sidewinder keys” because they have patterns and ridges cut into the key on both sides.
This makes it much more difficult for people to replicate them, which is ideal. A person must have access to specialized machinery in order to duplicate this type of car key. Locksmiths can cut these keys with an internal machine that cuts both sides of the key. The end result is a one-of-a-kind key that no one else will be able to duplicate.
Dimple Key
Dimple keys are simpler keys that rely on dimples in the key to open a lock. The cone-shaped dimples on the key will correspond to other dimples in the lock. You should be able to easily open the lock once the dimples are properly aligned. Dimple keys are easy to use because there are two sets of dimples in the lock and the dimples on the key are aligned in the same way on each side. This means you don’t have to insert the key in a specific position to open the lock.
Valet Key
Valet keys are specifically designed to open locked car doors and allow the person in possession of the key to start the vehicle. While these keys do contain RFID chips, they are coded in such a way that they prevent access to other parts of the vehicle. This means that when you use a valet key, you won’t be able to open the glove box, trunk, trunk release, or seat backs, giving you much more privacy and security.
While many people mistake valet keys for door keys, this is not the case. The door keys will only open the door and will not start the car. If you use valet service on a regular basis, having a valet key made is a good idea because it allows you to use the service without worrying about the safety and security of your vehicle.
Keycard Key
While most people imagine a typical car or door key when they think of what a key looks like and how it works, key cards are also keys, despite their appearance. They have magnetic strips on them that, when inserted into a locking device, unlock a door. Keycard keys are very similar in size and shape to credit cards and are used in situations where security must be guaranteed or locks must be changed on a regular basis.
A hotel is one of the most common places where you will encounter the use of a keycard key. They are ideal because the manager has complete control over which keycards unlock which doors and can even cancel keycards if guests forget to return them at the end of their stay. These keys are also used in high-security areas such as government buildings.
Instead of requiring an employee to carry a key for each door to which they have access, a keycard can be programmed to allow them access to specific locations while denying them access to others if necessary. Programming keycard keys is quick, easy, and inexpensive, making them an excellent choice for locations with high turnover, such as hotels, or when you need to monitor and control who has access to specific locations.
Tubular Key
Tubular keys, also known as “barrel keys,” are used to open tubular pin tumbler locks. They are distinguished by a hollow, cylindrical shaft that is larger in diameter and shorter in length than traditional keys. If you have a bike lock or need to open a vending machine, you will almost certainly need to use a tubular key.
One of the primary advantages of using tubular keys over other tumbler keys is that they are extremely difficult to duplicate. This means that if you use a tubular key, you will not have to worry as much about security because the chances of someone correctly copying it are extremely low.
Primary Key
Primary keys differ from most other types of keys in that they are intended to open multiple locks rather than just one. These locks have been keyed specifically to their own separate keys, but they can also be unlocked with a primary key. These keys are useful if you give out keys to a variety of different areas or rooms in your building but want to be able to access them in an emergency without bothering the keyholder.
The systems designed to work with primary keys include a number of locks or cylinders that allow you to open the lock in addition to the main key holder. This is a great way to avoid problems if the keyholder accidentally loses the key, as someone else will still be able to access the space.
Furthermore, as the primary key holder, you do not need to keep a variety of keys on hand because you can rely on just one key to gain access to any location. Unfortunately, losing the primary key can have serious consequences, and it is critical that you only trust a professional with the primary key so that they do not abuse the power of having unlimited access to locations.
Paracentric Key
Only paracentric keys are used to open and close paracentric locks. Because of their unusual shape and design, they are generally fairly easy to identify. Paracentric keys, in general, have very small teeth at the end of the key, as well as a contorted blade. While most people will never use or see a paracentric key, they are extremely important and widely used in prisons. It is very difficult to pick these locks due to the shape of the key and the lock itself, making them ideal for use when you do not want anyone to be able to open the lock without the key.
Abloy Key
This key is extremely difficult, if not impossible, to pick. They are commonly found on disc tumbler locks. This type of lock has a special key that rotates the discs like a tumbler, causing them to align and unlock the lock. They are springless locks, making them extremely difficult to pick. While not widely used in all countries, Abloy lock and key systems are used in almost all areas of the world due to the safety and security of these keys. They are excellent if you want to ensure that no unauthorized person enters your home.
Skeleton Key
This is a type of primary key, also known as a “passkey.” The serrated edge of the key is typically sanded down so that the key can open a variety of locks. While the name may sound frightening to some, it is only known as a skeleton key because the key has been reduced to only the necessary parts. Some people use the term “skeleton key” to refer to any type of primary key or keycard that can be used to open a variety of locks, while others use it incorrectly to describe bitted keys used on lever tumbler locks.
In general, skeleton keys can be made by simply removing the middle of a key, allowing the key to enter and turn a variety of locks. Many people associate these keys with illegal activities, such as breaking and entering or opening handcuffs, because the original key can be filed down for these purposes. There are legitimate uses for skeleton keys, such as when the original key has been lost or is simply unavailable.
Cruciform Key
Because of the X-shape of the profile, these keys are easily identified. While they are primarily used in industrial applications, they can be used in any location where you want to ensure that you have a secure lock and key that is difficult to pick. The cruciform key has three sets of teeth at 90-degree angles to one another. Four sides have been flattened. While it is very simple to duplicate this type of key, picking the lock is extremely difficult.
Magnetic Key
Magnets will be used to lock and unlock the lock with this type of key. When the magnets are properly oriented, they will cause a push or pull inside the lock, moving the internal tumblers and allowing the lock to open. This is a passive locking system that does not require any type of electronics to operate the mechanisms.
You can easily create a lock that is more difficult to pick by combining a number of different magnets of varying strengths and aligning them at different polarities. This results in thousands of possible combinations for each key, making this type of key an excellent choice for added security.
Double or Four-Sided Key
These are the keys that most people envision when they imagine what a key looks like. They either have two or four sets of teeth. If you want a key that is both durable and safe, go with a four-sided key rather than a double-sided key. The two extra sets of teeth will make picking the key much more difficult. This is a great, low-cost way to improve home or office security without having to install a new home security system.
Mechanically Cut Key
This is the most common and also the oldest type of car key available. They are made with simple machines and tools, making it simple for most locksmiths to cut a replacement key if necessary. The ridges and lines cut into the key are only on one side, making it simple to finish the job with a cutting machine. Unfortunately, this also means that these are the keys that are easiest to duplicate. They can be customized to fit any lock or keyhole.
People can easily cut their own keys on a self-service key cutter at some big box stores because they are not very advanced keys. This means that if you have a mechanically cut car key, you must be extremely careful not to lose it because it is very easy for someone to copy.
Smart Car Key
While these car keys are very similar to transponder car keys, they are far more advanced than anything else on the market right now. This not only means that if you have a problem with your smart car key, you should seek professional assistance, but it also means that they are extremely difficult to duplicate, ensuring that you do not have to deal with people stealing your key. The owner of a smart car key can remotely open and close doors and even start the car’s ignition from outside the vehicle.
These keys are more difficult to duplicate because they are still scarce, especially when compared to other types of car keys. Many locksmiths have discovered that by duplicating the code method used to create new transponder keys, they can create a backup key for the car owner.
VAT Keys
Vehicle Anti-Theft (VAT) keys are an improvement over standard keys in terms of security and safety. They include additional safeguards, such as the addition of a security chip to the key. This will make it more difficult for people who do not have the correct type of key to open the door. The type of additional security measures will be determined by the level of security desired by the key’s owner.
These keys are extremely difficult to replace because the security chip embedded in the blade of the key is unique and the code changes. It is extremely difficult to obtain a replacement car key. Locksmiths and other key companies will typically advise their customers to purchase a new set of keys, duplicate the original key, and then create a new VAT chip.
Because the key code is sometimes so specific, the locksmith may be unable to access it. This means that, while these keys are ideal if you want the highest level of security from your keys, they are not ideal if you lose them and can be difficult to replace.

However, in the days when this was common, people may have believed that the keys were just plain old keys. It is said that times have changed, and keys are involved with a lot of other things (i.e., security, privacy). A critical part of making an intelligent decision regarding safety and security is knowing the right key to use.
To select the right product for you, you must choose a locksmith who is well-versed in the wide variety of locks and who can help you select the best one. In order to make an informed decision, you should become better acquainted with the characteristics of the Hasselt slotenmaker before choosing the proper keys.
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